Sunday, September 6, 2009

Beautiful Sundays

My iPod shuffle is being very good to me this afternoon: The Hush Sound, Imogen Heap, Iron & Wine, John Mayer..(etc). Some of these songs I actually forgot how much I enjoyed them. I'm sitting on my bed with the window cracked open and it's beautiful out. I wish it could be like this all year, like this pre-fall weather that includes cool afternoons and enough warmth to go without long-sleeves or jackets. If there is a place in the world like that, please tell me because I want to make plans to live there now.

Not really much to update.. my roommates have all left me for Labor Day weekend and campus is so empty. I'm actually going to leave my apartment today to help a friend find things to decorate his room. Tonight, I'm going to submit my Weekender article and I'm really nervous about it. It's my first one and I hope that when I meet with my editor, he doesn't have much he wants to correct and actually likes it. I can write an article, I know I can. I wouldn't be assistant editor in chief of the school paper for nothing but the question is can I write well? Can I hack it for a real, legitimate publication? I guess on Tuesday we'll find out. Then again, if I was incapable, would I have even been offered this internship? Oh Steph, shut up. I'm just happy to finally be focused on things that matter for a change, instead of a dumb boy. Well actually..there is a dumb boy but I'm not worried about it.

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